Amanda Genther sent this out today for her subscribers and is so sweet to post it as a free download over on her blog. She teamed up with Paper & Honey to bring you a handful of beautiful designs for December. I couldn't resist using this one today since I am an Illinois resident. It is so inspiring.  Go get yours, like now! I don't know how you guys feel about December, but It is scaring the pink pajamas right-off me ! How can it truly be December already? It's nearly 2015 and I feel like I need to double check myself and squeeze in the last of my goals and some extra workouts. (Like seriously!) Before I get too immersed in the Christmas Party that JD and I are hosting (yes, so excited!) I wanted to drop in and post my goals for the month so that I don't get caught off guard at the end of the month as I turn the page and head into 2015. I feel like I accomplish more when I post my goals - because you sweet peeps keep me accountable. So without further ado let's rock December!

Refresh my brand and my website. A recent issue has been brought to my attention as well as a scandalous copycat out in Cali - so I'm going to refresh my pink space and make it so dam pink and sparkly and awesome and so Cassandra that it'll be so totally-crazy awesome you can't copy it because it would be too obvious.

The Dattoli Christmas. Oh yes, JD and I are hosting our first ever Christmas party for family and close friends on Christmas Day in our new home. I'm cooking, and decorating like a mad woman and JD is nailing and screwing holes in our walls like a crazy person and 20ish people are planning to show up and eat to their heart's content. I'm planning a very pretty and sparkly tablescape with some help from the lovely people over at La Tavola Linens. New York sparkles headed my way!  

Client Gifting. I have some fun and pretty items planned out to all my beautiful clients for Christmas. I want to get these all finished up by mid month, boxed up and out the door.

Christmas Cards {Personal & Business}. This let's say by December 18. I can do it!

My year in review written and posted before 2015 appears.

I really want to attend Christmas service at the Greek Church here in Springfield.

Begin working through Whitney English's Year Designer for 2015. You don't know who Whitney English is you say? Well click and meet this fabulous and inspiring woman. (p.s. I'm a Day Designer girl - on my third one! I can NOT recommend another planner more - this is where it's at.)

Order at least 5 copies of Lara Casey's Make It Happen book. I have at least 5 in mind to give it as gifts. Lara changed my life - the Make It Happen conference changed me - click here to read about my MTH experience.

Okay - I think I have listed the highlights of my goals, I thought about putting taxs on my December goals - but that would just depress me - so I'll leave it here so it's at least on here - maybe, just maybe I'll give them a start.

What are your goals for December ? Share below and I just might pick you to send a copy of Lara's book to!

Happy December!


Image created the ever-so-talented ladies Amanda Genther & Paper & Honey.

REFLECTIONS {Greatness Starts with Gratitude}


These last weeks have left my heart heavy and my mind overwhelmed. In our area a tragedy occurred  and as a police-wife; it is so difficult not to put yourself in those same shoes and think "what if?"  It's so easy to be pulled down by our shortcomings and the relationships and items we don't have - so today I'm reflecting on the things I see too many people taking advantage of, and sharing the everyday "it's a given to have" things I tend to forget to be grateful for.

 I'm grateful my husband came home from duty this morning. I'm grateful that just in the other room he is tucked-in tight under the covers. Every night he leaves me and walks down the driveway - could be the last night I ever see him. I'm grateful he hasn't been called away from home to help with the riots. As I sit here typing this today - a very close friend is in my beloved St. Louis is worrying about her husband who is dealing with the riots. My heart just breaks for her and has put my problems into focus.  Friends, whatever your problems are; be grateful for what it is you have; no matter how little it may be. The breath in your lungs is a gift.  Everyday God keeps us here is a gift. We all have so much to be grateful for.

 "In your might you guide them to your sacred home" Ex. 15:13

This is for all our loved ones who put on a uniform and risk giving up the most precious thing of all. This is for the wives, the family members, the children of our heroes, this is for me, and all the sacrifices we as wives and families make every day watching our loved ones walk away and not knowing if they will come home again. This is for all those heroes whose watches have ended too early. Hug your loved ones - hug your pet - tomorrow isn't promised.

- C



September Goals

September Quote. September. Helen Hunt Jackson. Dahlia. Pretty. Pink flower. Pretty flower.

Where does the time go? I wonder if everyone starts their first monthly post this exact same way? Well instead of telling you how this year is evaporating, I'm just going to get right down to brass tax as they say and tell you that September is one of my favorite months - almost as favorite as October and May!

I truly believe in accountability. I believe that sharing here is the best way to hold myself accountable for my plans. Writing it just for myself? Well If I decide to take a breather; only I will know what I didn't accomplish - So my hope for these monthly goal posts is to have you - my lovely readers - keep me accountable - so here goes!

Healthy Living. It seems I've gotten a bit off track with my health goals lately and I want to get back into routine workouts and eating healthy so  I can be my best self for JD, my family and my wonderful clients.

Organization. I want to focus and make a real effort into cataloging my inventory and organizing all my shop items, and all the business 'stuff" that I have. My tornado-like-tendencies cause the studio and extra bedrooms to turn into "Danger Zones." So this month I'd like to get all that picked up and organized so I can find everything without spending hours looking for it.

Studio Help. I need to spend some time doing some training with those that help me with my events. I want them to be a true reflection of my brand and be able to work without supervision. I want them to "have the vision" with me and for my clients to trust them, so we can function as a better team together.

Love. I want to spend more time loving on my husband this month. I want to spend more face time with friends and family. I want to see my dad more.

Brand & Launch Details. Yes this!!

CDE Friendors.  I want to reach out to the amazing vendors here in Central IL and get acquainted with the talent in this area.

Shoot Details. This - in all it's sparkly, pinkness.

Bridal Expo. Do some major research on this and maybe even get signed up for my first Bridal Show. Woot! Woot!

October SS. There is a top secret-service plan that involves a certain State Trooper unfolding and I hope to share it with all of you very soon, but this is here to keep me accountable!

September is really going to be spectacular. Let's call it Spectacular September; yeah  I kinda like that. I have so much goodness to share - I'm nearly ready to explode with excitement, confetti and just lots and lots of joy.

I'd love to hear your goals! Share below in the comments and let's all keep each other accountable and make it happen!

xoxo - Cass

Amazing photo above by the talented Georgianna Lane & design by yours truly.




WTH: It's almost June.

Wait hold up; It's nearly June. Half the year - down the hatch. I had dreams, goals and big plans and lots of ideas for 2014. What. the. hell. happened? 2014 - where did you go? Did I fall into a cave? A small hole never to be seen again? It certainly wasn't a cave of wanders like Aladdin. (p.s. where can I find one of those caves??) Look at my desk? I can NOT remember the last time it looked like this - ok wait - maybe the day we moved. But this. mess. is craziness!!I have been so wrapped up in our new house and making every square inch picture perfect - that I've lost track of my dreams and goals for my business. Its surviving; but it's not thriving. I have got to get back on track. I have been so busy being "busy" that I've left a lot of back end and important things that drive traffic and let it go by the wayside. Well friends - it ends today. This post - is mostly for myself - because to be accountable - I have to put it on here - I'm starting fresh - I'm starting over. I'm writing my goals down and I'm checking my list, and checking it twice. Sure I have tons of excuses, moving, organizing, OCD syndrome, life changes, watering the new sod (which by the way should be illegal and considered slave labor!) - all are viable excuses for my absence. But really - I think I've been procrastinating the hard work - the real work. I've let fear come into my heart and I settled for the right now. I opened my devotions and prayer journal for the first time in over a month. God's love flooded me and He reminded me of all the things I have planned that doesn't include a high-rise corner office for the next 30 years. My heart has other plans and dammit my heads gonna start listening and making those plans.

2014 - get back - I'm grabbing you and taking you down. I bought Whitney English's year designer and have barely opened it. It's currently sitting beautifully on my desk and I'm diving head first, right this second. Is anyone else looking back on the year and thinking this same thing? We can all use some encouragement and I'd love to encourage you on your journey! Leave a comment below or send me some sugar at 

A LITTLE LIFE LATELY {Married + Living Together}

Squad Home.jpeg

Oh why; hello there! How wonderful it is to see your beautiful faces!  You didn't really think I had forgotten about you, did you? I thought tonight was a good night to have a late night post - and share a little of life lately. I took some time off, no wait - I took ALOT of time off. There has been so many changes in my life - good changes - soul searching and so many things that I want to share with you all. It has been a crazy time away from blogging and social media. Crazy busy, crazy love-filled, crazy, crazy, crazy. Instead of sharing every moment, I chose to focus on what was right in front of me and truly enjoy the moment and be present with my wonderful clients, our new home and my handsome husband who I absolutely adore. We've moved, brought in all our new appliances and some new electronic gadgets as well as a new straight from the showroom floor-vehicle. (I'll introduce our lovely addition to the family: Hemi: a 2014 Dodge Durango - who has been assigned to haul buckets of blooms to and from up-coming events-over on Instagram tomorrow, follow along here) Lots and lots of changes have been happening. Almost overwhelming - but very very much needed. All your emails, texts, calls, tags, kissey faces and comments with your love, encouragement and support over all these changes has overwhelmed this big Greek heart of mine. I just want to hug each and every one of you. For being happy for me, and us, for being supportive, and for understanding that social media is not my first priority. 

 What's on the other side? Is that picture above – of that sexy squad car sitting in our driveway. If anything were to sum up these last weeks away from the computer: it is just that. My popo is home for good. It's been a long time since we've lived together-try 2.5 years- and I really thought it would be tough getting into the swing of things; but it's like we just picked it right back up. Kind of like a bicycle right? I say love is worth it a lot. It has become my mantra, my motto and truly been my motivation for a while. If you are struggling with something, let me tell you; it is worth is. Looking back, I see it very clearly; all the struggles; the heartache; the tears; the missed birthdays and holidays; it was all worth it - love is worth it. 

I have some really great content planned for the end of April and things are really going to get exciting soon - but for now - I bid you farewell - because this Greek has an addiction to her bathtub; and it's singing my name. Oh wait - thats just the popo in the other room; "hey, it's almost bedtime" How annoying, yet loving & satisfying- that he is here and able to know when I've been in the studio too long - oh friends! My popo is home!! 
