WTH: It's almost June.

Wait hold up; It's nearly June. Half the year - down the hatch. I had dreams, goals and big plans and lots of ideas for 2014. What. the. hell. happened? 2014 - where did you go? Did I fall into a cave? A small hole never to be seen again? It certainly wasn't a cave of wanders like Aladdin. (p.s. where can I find one of those caves??) Look at my desk? I can NOT remember the last time it looked like this - ok wait - maybe the day we moved. But this. mess. is craziness!!I have been so wrapped up in our new house and making every square inch picture perfect - that I've lost track of my dreams and goals for my business. Its surviving; but it's not thriving. I have got to get back on track. I have been so busy being "busy" that I've left a lot of back end and important things that drive traffic and let it go by the wayside. Well friends - it ends today. This post - is mostly for myself - because to be accountable - I have to put it on here - I'm starting fresh - I'm starting over. I'm writing my goals down and I'm checking my list, and checking it twice. Sure I have tons of excuses, moving, organizing, OCD syndrome, life changes, watering the new sod (which by the way should be illegal and considered slave labor!) - all are viable excuses for my absence. But really - I think I've been procrastinating the hard work - the real work. I've let fear come into my heart and I settled for the right now. I opened my devotions and prayer journal for the first time in over a month. God's love flooded me and He reminded me of all the things I have planned that doesn't include a high-rise corner office for the next 30 years. My heart has other plans and dammit my heads gonna start listening and making those plans.

2014 - get back - I'm grabbing you and taking you down. I bought Whitney English's year designer and have barely opened it. It's currently sitting beautifully on my desk and I'm diving head first, right this second. Is anyone else looking back on the year and thinking this same thing? We can all use some encouragement and I'd love to encourage you on your journey! Leave a comment below or send me some sugar at cass@cassandradattoli.com